

Local – No Fireworks for Fourth of July in Melbourne Florida

  • June 23, 2020
  • Bradley Taylor

The city has cancelled its usual fireworks display for fear of spreading the corona-virus. The statement was made by the Mayor Kathy Meeham: “Though we are deeply disappointed that we cannot hold our traditional fireworks event on the Fourth of July, we are looking into possibly hosting an alternative celebratory event later this year, we look forward to the day when we can bring the community together again.”

The city says it may instead look at Labor Day in September or Veteran’s Day in November to put on a fireworks display.

There has been some push-back by local groups saying that they would be willing to risk the chance of contracting the virus in order to enjoy the fireworks display. Florida Rep. Randy Fine even offered to pay for the fireworks. There was a short social media battle between he and the Mayor’s office over a perceived double-standard of allowing protesters to take to the streets but not allowing citizens to enjoy a fireworks show for the nation’s independence day.

The crux of the argument from the Mayor’s office is that the fireworks display may draw people in from outside of the area, which would threaten to expose the Melbourne population to new avenues whereby the virus could enter.